2017年2月20日 - Permadelete is a new open source program for Microsoft Windows devices that you may use to remove files securely from the PC.
偷看不留痕跡,Facebook 讓你能夠刪除私人「搜尋」紀錄 - … Facebook開放管理個人「活動記錄」已經有一陣子了,現在Facebook打算讓你也能在該頁面裡頭 ...
README.md Permadelete Permadelete is an easy to use and beautiful app for shredding files and folders permanently. Download the latest release and give it a try. Read this short tutorial about 3 fun ways to shred files permanently using Permadelete. And i
Permadelete : a file shredding app. When a file is deleted, only a reference to the location of the file is deleted. In other words, the file system just “forgets” about ...
Permadelete is a free and open source file shredder, it deletes your files beyond recovery. It's made to be beautiful and easy to use and yet powerful. When a file is deleted, only a reference to the location of the file is deleted. In other words, th
我們都知道檔案一般刪除後其實都還是會存留在硬碟的深層,只要利用像是「Recuva」或「Glary Undelete」這類軟體就有機會救回來,如果要完全清除就可以用像「Eraser」這類軟體,不過這樣大費周章的清除深層檔案有點麻煩,我們其實平常就可以 ...
Permadelete is a lightweight application that can prevent recovery by overwriting the files with random data. It performs a single pass, unlike other similar programs, so it can get the job done very quickly. Speedy file shredder that overwrites your data
當你刪除、銷毀電腦裡的檔案時,你知道它沒有辦法完全從電腦裡被清除嗎?尤其當你必須將使用過的電腦退回或是賣給其它人,即便是格式化磁碟,任何人都可能透過檔案回復軟體來取得你所刪除的重要資料,包括私密的檔案或是密碼。那要 ...
女神,你知道你滿臉都是蟎蟲排泄物嗎?1個高能小妙招,清理臉部肌膚殺蟎不留痕跡!2017-07-09 臉上長蟎蟲怎麼辦?一個小方法,教你徹底清除無煩惱 2017-07-04 較多的研究資料表明,我國人體蠕形蟎的感染率較高,據報導最高達到98% ...
若想要徹底清除 SD 記憶卡資料,建議可以下載《SD Formatter》來使用,它是利用覆寫格式化方式將底層資料給完整抹除、不留痕跡!!! 軟體本身為綠色免安裝中文版,相當適合下載使用。(支援 SD、SDHC 與 SDXC 記憶卡) 官方網站說明&介紹 ...