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Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具


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Archive of freely downloadable fonts. Browse by alphabetical listing, by style, by author or by popularity. [Windows, MacOS]

Font Loader - Free download and software reviews

Font Loader is a tiny portable tool to load fonts temporarily in Windows. It can load and unload true type fonts and open type fonts in Windows for use with any

Font Loader

Font Loader is a tiny portable tool to load fonts temporarily in Windows without having to install them. It can load and unload true type fonts and open type fonts in Windows for use with any application. After you have done using the fonts, you can unloa

Font Face Observer — fast and simple web font loading

Font Face Observer is a fast and simple web font loader. You can use it to load fonts and customise your browser’s font loading behaviour. npm install fontfaceobserver or download from GitHub ...


Create a font manifest file which describes the variants in the font and includes paths to their TTF/OTF/WOFF/etc. files. Variant metadata matches what is found in ...

Font Loader Download - Softpedia

Dependable font loader Installing multiple fonts can cause your computer to boot longer, since it has to load all the files into the system. Font Loader is a lightweight, yet powerful application that temporarily allows you to use fonts in certain applica

Web Font Loader 不負責任中文翻譯版

它提供了共同的“介面(機制)” 來下載字型,可以不用管來源。 它提供了標準組合的事件events,你可以用它來控制下載過程的體驗。 Web Font Loader 可以下載字型 ...

GitHub - typekit/webfontloader

To use the Web Font Loader library, just include it in your page and tell it which fonts to load. For example, you could load fonts from Google Fonts using the Web Font Loader hosted on Google Hosted Libraries using the following code. Web Font Loader is

GitHub - bramstein/fontloader

This polyfill implements the W3C Font Load Events Module Level 3 specification. It detects when fonts have loaded and provides callbacks for each font load event. You can use the fontloader polyfill to prevent the Flash Of Unstyled Text (FOUT) or execute

Web Font Loader | Google Fonts

The Web Font Loader is a JavaScript library that gives you more control over font loading than the Google Fonts API provides. The Web Font Loader also lets you use multiple web font providers. It was co-developed by Google and Typekit. The documentation a

Font Loader 相關文章

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具

Font Loader 1.2 臨時載入字型的方便工具

現在越來越多 SSD 硬碟的筆電,SSD 硬碟除了比較貴之外,空間容量也不是很大,以 64GB 的容量來跑系統綽綽有餘,不過多安裝一點字型可能就會很佔空間,因此建議大家採用捷徑安裝字型的方式,可以將字型安裝於其他硬碟;或是採用 Font Loader 這樣的臨時載入工具,需要時才安裝字型,用完就可以解除,不僅可以省去硬碟空間,更能加速開機的速度唷!

將需要載入的字型透過「Select Fonts」選取,或使用拖曳的方式加入,選取完成之後「Load Fonts」臨時載入字型,繪圖軟體等等應該就能讀取到剛剛載入的字型了!等不需要時再透過「Unload Fonts」卸除即可。

Font Loader 1.2.rar(FireDrive下載)
Font Loader 1.2.rar(ZippyShare下載)
Font Loader 1.2.rar(Uploading下載)
Font Loader 1.2.rar(MediaFire下載)
Font Loader 1.2.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:142 KB

Font Loader