AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.3424 SSD硬碟存取速度檢測工具

AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.3424 SSD硬碟存取速度檢測工具

SSD硬碟慢慢開始普及,雖然價格一樣不親民,但是由於一般硬碟價格遲遲不降價,很多人還是寧願選擇SSD硬碟。SSD的硬碟品牌也不少,大家購買後習慣測試一下速度與大家分享,AS SSD Benchmark 就是大家常常使用的一款評測軟體,能分別跑出Seq(順序讀寫)、4K(4K隨機讀寫)、4K-64Thrd(64線程4K讀寫)、Acc.time(反應時間),最後還有分數的評比,可以把滿意的成績和大家較量一下啊!



AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.34247.7z(GOOGLE下載)
AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.34247.7z(1DRV下載)
AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.34247.7z(MEDIAFIRE下載)
AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.34247.7z(RAPIDGATOR下載)
AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.34247.7z(MEGA下載)
檔案大小:216 KB

AS SSD Benchmark 1.8.5636.37293 CHT.rar(MediaFire下載)
AS SSD Benchmark 1.8.5636.37293 CHT.rar(Rapidgator下載)
AS SSD Benchmark 1.8.5636.37293 CHT.rar(ZippyShare下載)
AS SSD Benchmark 1.8.5636.37293 CHT.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:246 KB

SSD 硬碟有沒有好用的速度檢測工具?

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HDDScan 3.3 是一款免費、免安裝的硬碟檢查工具,支援檢測的硬碟類型有IDE (ATA)、 SATA、SCSI(SAS) 、RAID陣列、Flash USB及固態硬碟。HDDScan可以檢查硬碟是否有損壞的區塊 (Bad Block) 或損壞的磁區 (Bad Sectors)……等,以及對硬碟進行 S.M.A

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2015年9月9日 - AS SSD Benchmark – 是專門為SSD 固態硬碟推出效能測試/讀寫速度測試軟體,透過這工具能夠測試出實際SSD 效能,就能知道說目前他的狀態與 ...

AS SSD Benchmark 1.9.5986 Download

Test the sequential or random read/write performance without using the cache. AS SSD Benchmark reads/writes a 1 GByte file as well as randomly chosen 4K blocks. Additionally, it performs the tests using 1 or 64 threads and it determines the SSD's acce

【下載】AS SSD Benchmark 1.7.4739.38088:::iThome Download-你要的軟體在這裡::

AS SSD Benchmark為一款固態硬碟效能的測試軟體。此軟體可以測出固態硬碟持續讀寫等的性能,讓您只要使用此軟體來測試就可以評估這顆固態硬碟的效能好與不好。

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AS SSD Benchmark

AS SSD Benchmark , free and safe download. AS SSD Benchmark latest version: A professional tool to diagnose computer problems . A free utility program, AS SSD Benchmark determines the performance of solid state drives in a compu

下載AS SSD benchmark 1.9.5986

With AS SSD Benchmark you can determine your SSD drive's performance by conducting several specific tests. Test the sequential or random read/write performance without using the cache. AS SSD Benchmark reads/writes a 1 GByte file as well as randomly c

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CrystalDiskMark v6.0.0 硬碟效能、讀寫速度測試工具

2017/11/5 更新:軟體版本更新至 v6.0.0 最新版。 CrystalDiskMark 是個很簡單的磁碟讀寫效能測試工具,主要功能就是透過連續讀寫、512KB、4KB 與 4K QD32 的隨機讀寫等方式來測試硬碟在實際讀寫檔案時的實際速度。 透過這些實際讀寫的方式來測試,可讓 ...

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