【Android】Wifi Tether Toggle 一鍵開啟手機網路熱點

【Android】Wifi Tether Toggle 一鍵開啟手機網路熱點

我有時不只帶一支手機出門,當每台設備都需要網路的時候,手機分享網路熱點真的很方便,不過手機熱點的設定真的很麻煩,每次都在那邊一層一層的點,若你也覺得步驟很多的話,不妨來試試看 Wifi Tether Toggle 這個好工具,能夠一鍵直接開啟熱點唷!

Wifi Tether Toggle 一鍵開啟手機網路熱點


Wifi Tether Toggle 一鍵開啟手機網路熱點

安裝 Wifi Tether Toggle 之後,只要輕輕一點桌面 Wifi Tether Toggle 的圖示。

Wifi Tether Toggle 一鍵開啟手機網路熱點



Wifi Tether Toggle:下載,或是掃描以上 QRcode

Wifi Tether Toggle

Wifi Tether Toggle 相關文章



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Download Wifi Tether Toggle apk 1.0 and all version history for Android. Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines ...

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Tools. "This app Toggles WiFi tethering on and off. I got tired of going through the menu". Free 8.1 357 ratings. WIFI Tethering Toggle Widget. Personalization.

Wifi Tether Toggle

This app Toggles WiFi tethering on and off. I got tired of going through the menus to turn it on so I made a quick toggle. *This app does not provide tethering, ...