
and Post

2024年6月7日 — You can use VMware tools to perform specific operations before or after a backup. For example, if a virtual machine hosts an Oracle database and ...

Configuring virtual machine backup scripts

Configure pre-backup and post-backup scripts for ensuring application-consistent snapshots.

How to AutomateScript backup of a Virtual Machine

2011年7月6日 — This script performs backups of virtual machines residing on ESX(i) 3.5/4.x+/5.x servers using methodology similar to VMware's VCB tool. The ...

How to Easily Backup ESXi VM with PowerShell Scripts?

2023年8月4日 — This post tells you how to write PowerShell scripts to backup ESXi VMs.

Python based VMWare Backup script

Basically, using this script it is possible to set certain time to perform backups. All, it needs to know location of your VMWare machines, ...

Script Settings

2024年6月6日 — To specify script settings for the backup job: At the Storage step of the wizard, click Advanced . Click the Scripts tab. If you want...

Virtual Machine Backup Guide

The backup software calls the pre-backup script. The pre-backup script ... When you use Consolidated Backup, a pre-backup script creates a snapshot of a virtual.


This small script is used to backup a virtual machine of VMware Server. To stop a virtual machine, SSH access to the machine (public key distribution).


2024年6月7日—YoucanuseVMwaretoolstoperformspecificoperationsbeforeorafterabackup.Forexample,ifavirtualmachinehostsanOracledatabaseand ...,Configurepre-backupandpost-backupscriptsforensuringapplication-consistentsnapshots.,2011年7月6日—ThisscriptperformsbackupsofvirtualmachinesresidingonESX(i)3.5/4.x+/5.xserversusingmethodologysimilartoVMware'sVCBtool.The ...,2023年8月4日—Thisposttellsyouhowtow...