Birdy - All You Never Say (Official Lyric Video)

Andallyouneversayisthatyoulovemeso/而你從來都沒說過一句我愛你所以..AllIneverknowisifyouwantmeoh/我從不知道你到底要的是不是 ...,AllYouNeverSayYou'vebeensearchingHaveyoufoundmanythings?TimeforlearningWhyhaveInotlearntathing?WordswithnomeaningHaveke...。參考影片的文章的如下:


All You Never Say -lyrics 英文中文歌詞- 柏蒂

And all you never say is that you love me so /而你從來都沒說過一句我愛你所以.. All I never know is if you want me oh /我從不知道你到底要的是不是 ...

All You Never Say 歌詞Birdy ※

All You Never Say You've been searching Have you found many things? Time for learning Why have I not learnt a thing? Words with no meaning Have kept me ...

All You Never Say

2013年8月16日 — 如果我能看進你的內心就好了。那我能知道你想告訴我的所有事情,那我就不用再猜度,我就能知道你的心意,我就能抓緊你,我們就不會錯過彼此了。

All You Never Say-歌詞

All You Never Say-歌詞-You've been searching Have you found many things? Time for learning Why have I not learnt a thing? Words with no meanin.


[Verse 1] You've been searching, have you found many things? Time for learning, why have I not learned a thing? Words with no meaning have kept me dreaming

Birdy- All About You [歌詞中文翻譯]

2014年3月30日 — Why does she make sure to be so immature 你一定覺得我很幼稚吧 about these things, 試圖改變你. I don't want you to change around it

birdy歌曲all you never say的中文翻译

求Birdy唱的《All you never say》的中文歌词谢谢。跪求! ... You Are Not Alone 永远相伴(你不会孤单)Another day has gone 又一日过往I'm still all alone 我依然孤单 ...

[每週西洋薦]02 Birdy

2017年1月15日 — 這首歌的歌詞非常容易,只有一個值得大家學習的片語。 Drop one's guard或者Lower one's guard,意思就是「卸下某人的心防」之意 ...


Andallyouneversayisthatyoulovemeso/而你從來都沒說過一句我愛你所以..AllIneverknowisifyouwantmeoh/我從不知道你到底要的是不是 ...,AllYouNeverSayYou'vebeensearchingHaveyoufoundmanythings?TimeforlearningWhyhaveInotlearntathing?WordswithnomeaningHavekeptme ...,2013年8月16日—如果我能看進你的內心就好了。那我能知道你想告訴我的所有事情,那我就不用再猜度,我就能知道你的心意,我就能抓緊你,我們就不會錯過...

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動
