
Executive Secretary Job Description Template

In this role, you will provide top-level administrative support to senior management. This includes schedule management, document preparation, and communication ...


6 天前 · a leader of a government organization or a public organization: He has served as executive secretary of the National Research Council.

executive secretary

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52 個「Executive Secretary」的職缺(台灣) (2 個最新)

本日52 個Executive Secretary熱門職缺(台灣)。善用人脈威力,把握職場機遇!即時掌握最新Executive Secretary職缺。

「executive secretary」最新找工作職缺|2025年2月

【職務內容】 1. 高階主管日常業務及行程規劃安排。 2. 負責重要客戶接待及行程安排。 3. 協助各項跨部門、事業體之行政事務溝通聯繫,建立良好內外部關係。 4. 整理簽核 ...

「Executive secretary」最新找工作職缺

【職務內容】 1. 高階主管日常業務及行程規劃安排。 2. 負責重要客戶接待及行程安排。 3. 協助各項跨部門、事業體之行政事務溝通聯繫,建立良好內外部關係。 4. 整理簽核 ...

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Definition & Meaning - Merriam

a secretary having administrative duties; especially : an official responsible for administering the activities and business affairs of an organization.

What is a Executive Secretary? Explore the Executive ...

An Executive Secretary is a highly skilled professional who plays a pivotal role in the administrative support structure of an organization.

Executive Secretary

An executive secretary is an assistant to one or more high-ranking employees in a business or other organization. As an executive secretary, ...


Inthisrole,youwillprovidetop-leveladministrativesupporttoseniormanagement.Thisincludesschedulemanagement,documentpreparation,andcommunication ...,6天前·aleaderofagovernmentorganizationorapublicorganization:HehasservedasexecutivesecretaryoftheNationalResearchCouncil.,ph.行政秘書.牛津中文字典·Yahoo奇摩字典.,本日52個ExecutiveSecretary熱門職缺(台灣)。善用人脈威力,把握職場機遇!即時掌握最新Execu...