3 Different Ways To Maximize a Window On a Mac



Are there any keyboard shortcuts to minimize or maximize ...

2022年9月27日 — Minimize a window: Press Command-M. Share.

Did you know this shortcut to maximize a Mac window?

2021年7月9日 — Did you know this shortcut to maximize a Mac window? Tip. Hold down alt/option and double click in the corner (where you would drag to resize).

How do you maximize windows in MacOS?

2023年8月17日 — Double-click the top bar of the window. Option + Fullscreen button. Option + Double-click window corners. Option + Drag & expand from the window ...

Keyboard Shortcut to maximize a window? [duplicate]

2021年5月28日 — Simultaneously holding down the control - command - F keys maximizes the window. Re-typing the same keys reverse the process and puts the ...

Mac 101

2018年5月2日 — 1) Close the current window (Command + W) · 2) Close all open windows (Command + Option + W) · 3) Minimize the current window (Command + M) · 4) ...


2014年2月18日 — Command-Option-M :Minimize all windows of the active application to the Dock; (Setup is required) :Maximize the active window. To maximize the ...

macos - Maximize window shortcut

2019年10月16日 — Maximize a window: Press and hold the Option key while you click the green maximize button enter image description here in the top-left corner ...

Move and arrange app windows on Mac

Minimize a window: Click the yellow minimize button in the top-left corner of the window, or press Command-M. You can set an option in Desktop & Dock settings ...


2022年9月27日—Minimizeawindow:PressCommand-M.Share.,2021年7月9日—DidyouknowthisshortcuttomaximizeaMacwindow?Tip.Holddownalt/optionanddoubleclickinthecorner(whereyouwoulddragtoresize).,2023年8月17日—Double-clickthetopbarofthewindow.Option+Fullscreenbutton.Option+Double-clickwindowcorners.Option+Drag&expandfromthewindow ...,2021年5月28日—Simultaneouslyholdingdownthecontrol-command-Fkeysmaxim...