

Necroptosis is a programmed form of necrosis, or inflammatory cell death. Conventionally, necrosis is associated with unprogrammed cell death resulting from ... Function · In innate immunity · Process · Co-regulation of necroptosis...


Necroptosis is an alternative mode of regulated cell death mimicking features of apoptosis and necrosis. Necroptosis requires protein RIPK3 ( ...

The role of necroptosis in cancer biology and therapy

As a fail-safe form of cell death occurring in cells in which apoptosis fails to be induced, necroptosis can prevent tumor development.

Necroptosis: Mechanisms and Relevance to Disease

Necroptosis is a form of regulated cell death that critically depends on receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 3 (RIPK3) and mixed lineage kinase ...

Initiation and execution mechanisms of necroptosis

Necroptosis is a form of regulated cell death, which is induced by ligand binding to TNF family death domain receptors, pattern recognizing receptors and ...

最新發表論文: Tumor suppressor death

... necroptosis. Increased necroptosis was associated with enhanced formation of the RIPK1-RIPK3-MLKL complex in these DAPK1-deficient cells. We ...

The double-edged functions of necroptosis

Necroptosis can trigger an uncontrolled inflammatory cascade response, resulting in severe tissue injury, disease chronicity, and even tumor progression.


Here, we discuss one such process, a type of necrotic cell death called “necroptosis,” 1–4 and its role in disease (see Glossary).

Necroptosis - an overview

Necroptosis is an inflammatory form of cell death that is associated with the release of intracellular contents that can act as DAMPs. Pyroptosis similarly ...


Necroptosis is another form of cell death which was recently discovered; it not only has some similar phenotypes with necrosis, but can also be ...


Necroptosisisaprogrammedformofnecrosis,orinflammatorycelldeath.Conventionally,necrosisisassociatedwithunprogrammedcelldeathresultingfrom ...Function·Ininnateimmunity·Process·Co-regulationofnecroptosis...,Necroptosisisanalternativemodeofregulatedcelldeathmimickingfeaturesofapoptosisandnecrosis.NecroptosisrequiresproteinRIPK3( ...,Asafail-safeformofcelldeathoccurringincellsinwhichapoptosisfailst...