
ImageAlphagreatlyreducesfilesizesof24-bitPNGfiles(includingalphatransparency)byapplyinglossycompressionandconversiontoamoreefficientPNG8+ ...,2022年9月24日—PNGminiconverts24-bitPNGtopaletted8-bitwithfullalphachannel.Thisgreatelyreducesfilesizeswithonlyminorlossofquality.,ThegoodnewsisthatPNGcanbeusedasalossyformatandproducefilesfewtimessmaller,whileremainingperfectlycompatiblewithlosslessPNGde...

ImageAlpha — image minifier (like JPEG with transparency!)

ImageAlpha greatly reduces file sizes of 24-bit PNG files (including alpha transparency) by applying lossy compression and conversion to a more efficient PNG8+ ...

Mac App Store 上的《PNG mini》

2022年9月24日 — PNG mini converts 24-bit PNG to paletted 8-bit with full alpha channel. This greately reduces file sizes with only minor loss of quality.

PNG can be a lossy format

The good news is that PNG can be used as a lossy format and produce files few times smaller, while remaining perfectly compatible with lossless PNG decoders.

PNG mini on the Mac App Store

PNG mini converts 24-bit PNG to paletted 8-bit with full alpha channel. This greately reduces file sizes with only minor loss of quality. Quantized files are ...


PNGmini is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by Voralent Computer Solutions. The latest version of PNGmini is currently unknown. It ...


API documentation for the Rust `pngmini` crate.

png图片压缩软件(Voralent PNGmini) v1.0 中文绿色免费版下载

2014年3月11日 — Voralent PNGmini是一款用于优化压缩PNG格式图片体积的png图片压缩软件。它们能在不改变图片分辨率且尽量不损耗清晰度的前提下让图片文件体积变得更 ...

png图片压缩软件(Voralent PNGmini)下载v1.0绿色中文版

PNGmini用于优化压缩PNG格式图片的体积,它们能在不改变图片分辨率且尽量不损耗清晰度的前提下让图片文件体积变得更小,以便在网络中传输得以加快。 ... 无需安装、绿色安全!


Free online image compressor for faster websites! Reduce the file size of your WEBP, JPEG, and PNG images with TinyPNG's smart lossy compression engine.

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具
