
以下為NecroBotV0.7.8+PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.5NecroBotV0.7.82016.08.09最新版本本帖分了三個步驟:1)普通掛機+一般設定2)配合PogoLocationFeeder ...,Adedicatedserver,aimedatprovidingcorrectfeedoutputsforpokemonmoves,IVs,andexpirationdates.,Thisrele...

Releases · 5andr0PogoLocationFeeder

Thisreleasealsoincludesgeneralbugfixes,GUIupdates(maxpokemontodisplay,copycoordinatesbutton,debugwindow,andotherfixes)and ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

[分享] 【心得】最新NecroBot0.7.8+Haxton.神速經驗.狙擊稀寵一次搞定

以下為NecroBot V0.7.8+PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.5 NecroBot V0.7.8 2016.08.09 最新版本 本帖分了三個步驟: 1) 普通掛機+ 一般設定 2) 配合PogoLocationFeeder ...


A dedicated server, aimed at providing correct feed outputs for pokemon moves, IVs, and expiration dates.

Releases · 5andr0PogoLocationFeeder

This release also includes general bugfixes, GUI updates (max pokemon to display, copy coordinates button, debug window, and other fixes) and ...

Windows 7 Websocket PlatformNotSupportedException

Short answer is, you are trying to make something impossible work, as Microsoft itself is reluctant to support WebSockets on Windows Vista and 7.

NecroBOT + PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.1.0

Pokemon GO 外掛– NecroBOT + PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.1.0 ... NecroBOT釋出了0.9.7的更新檔,目前建議都要升到最新版看看是否有因應官方封鎖的 ...


I am having some trouble with https://github.com/5andr0/PogoLocationFeeder , I've downloaded the latest version of it and I'm using it the problem is

Using PogoFeeder and Necrobot to Snipe Automatically ( Pull ...

Download the files. Extract files into a folder. Run PogoLocationFeeder.exe, it should pop open then close. It will of created a Config.json ...

Using PogoLocationFeeder and MobBot or Necrobot to Snipe ...

Edit: Forgot to mention but you will have to download the source code and set PogoLocationFeeder.GUI as the startup project in VS2015. Reply.

(882016)#PokemonGo Bot - YouTube

... PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.5 : https://goo.gl/WNK7KM virus scan ... (8/8/2016)#PokemonGo Bot - NECROBOT + POGO FEEDER LOCATION gui v.

想成為神奇寶貝大師? 捕捉寶可夢密技! 您不可不知!! 詳細整理(天天 ...

html NecroBot v0.8.0+PogoLocationFeeder V0.1.5 已經修改好狙擊及中文化 https://bingfeng.tw/thread-443364-1-1.html V0.8.1超級懶人包 狙擊+自動 ...


以下為NecroBotV0.7.8+PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.5NecroBotV0.7.82016.08.09最新版本本帖分了三個步驟:1)普通掛機+一般設定2)配合PogoLocationFeeder ...,Adedicatedserver,aimedatprovidingcorrectfeedoutputsforpokemonmoves,IVs,andexpirationdates.,Thisreleasealsoincludesgeneralbugfixes,GUIupdates(maxpokemontodisplay,copycoordinatesbutton,debugwindow,andotherfixes)and ...,Shortansweris,youaretryingtomake...