

想成為神奇寶貝大師? 捕捉寶可夢密技! 您不可不知!! 詳細整理(天天 ...

htmlNecroBotv0.8.0+PogoLocationFeederV0.1.5已經修改好狙擊及中文化https://bingfeng.tw/thread-443364-1-1.htmlV0.8.1超級懶人包狙擊+自動 ...

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I am having some trouble with https://github.com/5andr0/PogoLocationFeeder , I've downloaded the latest version of it and I'm using it the problem is

NecroBOT + PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.1.0

Pokemon GO 外掛– NecroBOT + PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.1.0 ... NecroBOT釋出了0.9.7的更新檔,目前建議都要升到最新版看看是否有因應官方封鎖的 ...

[分享] 【心得】最新NecroBot0.7.8+Haxton.神速經驗.狙擊稀寵一次搞定

以下為NecroBot V0.7.8+PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.5 NecroBot V0.7.8 2016.08.09 最新版本 本帖分了三個步驟: 1) 普通掛機+ 一般設定 2) 配合PogoLocationFeeder ...

想成為神奇寶貝大師? 捕捉寶可夢密技! 您不可不知!! 詳細整理(天天 ...

html NecroBot v0.8.0+PogoLocationFeeder V0.1.5 已經修改好狙擊及中文化 https://bingfeng.tw/thread-443364-1-1.html V0.8.1超級懶人包 狙擊+自動 ...

(882016)#PokemonGo Bot - YouTube

... PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.5 : https://goo.gl/WNK7KM virus scan ... (8/8/2016)#PokemonGo Bot - NECROBOT + POGO FEEDER LOCATION gui v.


A dedicated server, aimed at providing correct feed outputs for pokemon moves, IVs, and expiration dates.

Releases · 5andr0PogoLocationFeeder

This release also includes general bugfixes, GUI updates (max pokemon to display, copy coordinates button, debug window, and other fixes) and ...

Using PogoLocationFeeder and MobBot or Necrobot to Snipe ...

Edit: Forgot to mention but you will have to download the source code and set PogoLocationFeeder.GUI as the startup project in VS2015. Reply.

Using PogoFeeder and Necrobot to Snipe Automatically ( Pull ...

Download the files. Extract files into a folder. Run PogoLocationFeeder.exe, it should pop open then close. It will of created a Config.json ...

Windows 7 Websocket PlatformNotSupportedException

Short answer is, you are trying to make something impossible work, as Microsoft itself is reluctant to support WebSockets on Windows Vista and 7.


Iamhavingsometroublewithhttps://github.com/5andr0/PogoLocationFeeder,I'vedownloadedthelatestversionofitandI'musingittheproblemis,PokemonGO外掛–NecroBOT0.9.9.6+PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.1.0...NecroBOT釋出了0.9.7的更新檔,目前建議都要升到最新版看看是否有因應官方封鎖的 ...,以下為NecroBotV0.7.8+PogoLocationFeeder.GUI.v0.1.5NecroBotV0.7.82016.08.09最新版本本帖分了三個步驟:1)普通掛機+一般設定2)配...