How to Make a Unique Signature Line in Silhouette Studio or Any ...

(h)对所签立文件的提述包括提述亲笔签署或盖章或电子签署或以任何其他方式签署的文件,而对通告或文件的提述包括提述以任何数码、电子、电气、磁性或其他可取回方式或媒体 ...,Asignaturelineisahorizontallinealignedwithadjacenttext.Typographypuristsavoidaccom...。參考影片的文章的如下:


signature line - 英中

(h) 对所签立文件的提述包括提述亲笔签署或盖章或电子签署或以任何其他方式签署的文件,而对通告或文件的提述包括提述以任何数码、电子、电气、磁性或其他可取回方式或媒体 ...

Signature lines

A signature line is a horizontal line aligned with adjacent text. Typography purists avoid accomplishing anything by holding down keys on the keyboard.

How to Draw a Signature Line in Word

Go to the Insert tab and click on Pictures. Please select the image file of your signature and place it in the signature line. Press enter to ...

Add a signature line

In Word, type the signature block that you want to save. Or, insert the image of your signature and type the additional information that you want to include.

Insert a signature

How to add a signature to your Word documents. You can also use the Signature Line command in Word to insert a line to show where to sign a document.

signature line 和signature block 的差別在哪裡?

the difference is basically just a line for you/others to sign and a block for you/others to sign · 英語(英國) · 英語(美國).

Signature lines

A signature line is a horizontal line aligned with adjacent text. Typography purists avoid accomplishing anything by holding down keys on the keyboard. But in ...

簽名檔|signature line

「簽名檔」指的是在文件上所加上,用來說明撰寫文件者身份或職務名稱的資訊,其英文說法為signature line。另外,signature line也可以用來表示文件或 ...


Patriot 美商博帝科技的Signature Line Premium DDR4 Non-ECC 無緩衝記憶體可提供當今主流電腦所需的品質、可靠性和性能。我們使用高品質的材料打造,我們確保每個產品 ...


Signature Line Premium DDR5 系列是針對超頻愛好者和喜歡增強系統性能的精英玩家,以及希望提高系統性能的人的絕佳選擇。提供廣泛的容量和組成配置,使玩家能夠以最佳相容性 ...


(h)对所签立文件的提述包括提述亲笔签署或盖章或电子签署或以任何其他方式签署的文件,而对通告或文件的提述包括提述以任何数码、电子、电气、磁性或其他可取回方式或媒体 ...,Asignaturelineisahorizontallinealignedwithadjacenttext.Typographypuristsavoidaccomplishinganythingbyholdingdownkeysonthekeyboard.,GototheInserttabandclickonPictures.Pleaseselecttheimagefileofyoursignatureandplaceitinthesignatureline...