String List alwaysmousewheel: Traditional Chinese / 香港繁體中文. Translator: Zinno Tse 20: 設置選項 21: 隨開機時啟動 22: 當滑鼠滾輪在任何視窗上捲動時
無線藍光技術, 人體工學設計 最合手的工學設計 LEXMA M830R無線藍光滑鼠-藍 採用LEXMA獨家藍光技術-BlueTrace超精準不挑桌面,使用不受環境限制
滑鼠滾輪很慢。2014/1/27 · 我的是UX32VD,滑鼠版使用兩隻手指時很不靈光,到底要怎樣才能改善?這是不是asus筆電共有的缺點? .。找到了滑鼠滾輪很慢相关的热门资讯。
想找藍芽無線滑鼠設定都在【愛順發分享文】提供有羅技藍芽滑鼠設定 98筆4頁,設計師藍牙滑鼠高人氣排行,myfone 購物 提供 3C電腦週邊,滑鼠 / 鍵盤 /手寫板,》無線 鍵盤 上市新品及促銷優惠,搶便宜折扣,找限量上市新品 - myfone購物 帶給您快樂網購體驗,將 ...
Sometimes little tweaks can make a big difference, and that's definitely the case with AlwaysMouseWheel. This little utility allows you to scroll in windows that aren't active using your mouse wheel. It might not seem like a big deal, but it's
滑鼠不受限制滾滾滾的工具,開發者怎麼會想出有如此需求啊? ... AlwaysMouseWheel,大家在工作時最不想遇到比對文件的工作,尤其當螢幕不夠大的時候,所有的視窗都堆疊在一起,不同視窗切換來...
String List alwaysmousewheel: Chinese-Simplified / 简体中文. Translator: Zepto Lee 20: 偏好设置 21: 开机启动 22: 在窗口上滚动鼠标滚轮时 23: (滚轮滚动时)将 ...
AlwaysMouseWheel is a simple and easy-to-use tool that helps you to use the scroll wheel through file content and get all the folders and directories that are not in the foreground. The application comes with a useful interface and although it provides yo
AlwaysMouseWheel allows you to use the mouse wheel to scroll over any windows even if that window is not in the foreground. Always Mouse Wheel Features:
AlwaysMouseWheel 是一款免切換即可用滾輪捲動非作用中視窗的免費軟體。當您同時開啟多個視窗時,往往需要在不同視窗之間切換以查看非作用中視窗的內容,既浪費時間又沒有效率,而這款軟體正好可以解決此一問題。