滑鼠不受限制滾滾滾的工具,開發者怎麼會想出有如此需求啊? https://ez3c.tw/3787 ... AlwaysMouseWheel,大家在工作時最不想遇到比對文件的工作,尤其當螢幕不夠大的時候,所有的視窗都堆疊在一起,不同視窗切換來...
AlwaysMouseWheel allows you to use the mouse wheel to scroll over any windows even if that window is not in the foreground. Always Mouse Wheel Features:
無線藍光技術, 人體工學設計 最合手的工學設計 LEXMA M830R無線藍光滑鼠-藍 採用LEXMA獨家藍光技術-BlueTrace超精準不挑桌面,使用不受環境限制
2016年10月25日 - Download AlwaysMouseWheel 3.63 Windows Freeware.
String List alwaysmousewheel: Traditional-Chinese / 繁体中文. Translator: hachi 20: 喜好設定 21: 隨Windows 開機時啟動 22: 當滑鼠中鍵滾輪在某視窗捲動時
滑鼠滾輪輸入的方向會沿著垂直軸 (向前或向後轉動) 或水平軸 (向左或向右傾斜)。檢查 IsHorizontalMouseWheel 以確定輸入是否沿著水平軸。 注意事項 差異設為 120 以啟用解析度更精細的滾輪 (例如不受刻度限制的自動旋轉滾輪) ,每次旋轉時傳送更多訊息,但 ...
String List alwaysmousewheel: Chinese-Simplified / 简体中文. Translator: Zepto Lee 20: 偏好设置 21: 开机启动 22: 在窗口上滚动鼠标滚轮时 23: (滚轮滚动时)将 ...
滑鼠滾輪很慢。2014/1/27 · 我的是UX32VD,滑鼠版使用兩隻手指時很不靈光,到底要怎樣才能改善?這是不是asus筆電共有的缺點? .。找到了滑鼠滾輪很慢相关的热门资讯。
AlwaysMouseWheel is a simple and easy-to-use tool that helps you to use the scroll wheel through file content and get all the folders and directories that are not in the foreground. The application comes with a useful interface and although it provides yo
Sometimes little tweaks can make a big difference, and that's definitely the case with AlwaysMouseWheel. This little utility allows you to scroll in windows that aren't active using your mouse wheel. It might not seem like a big deal, but it's