AlwaysMouseWheel 6.36 滑鼠不受上下層限制,每一層都可以滾滾滾

AlwaysMouseWheel 6.36 滑鼠不受上下層限制,每一層都可以滾滾滾

大家在工作時最不想遇到比對文件的工作,尤其當螢幕不夠大的時候,所有的視窗都堆疊在一起,不同視窗切換來切換去,點下面的視窗又蓋到上面的視窗,又要縮小視窗才能點回原本視窗,大家有遇過這樣的困擾嗎?這時候推薦大家使用 AlwaysMouseWheel 這款工具,搞不好就能解決這樣的困擾,只要滑鼠在哪一個視窗上面,就算是在底層的視窗,也能夠透過滾輪來移動捲軸唷!


AlwaysMouseWheel 6.36.7z(1DRV下載)
AlwaysMouseWheel 6.36.7z(MEDIAFIRE下載)
AlwaysMouseWheel 6.36.7z(RAPIDGATOR下載)
AlwaysMouseWheel 6.36.7z(MEGA下載)
AlwaysMouseWheel 6.36.7z(GOOGLE下載)
檔案大小:159 KB

滑鼠滾輪不受限制 AlwaysMouseWheel

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用滾輪啟動任何非使用中視窗- AlwaysMouseWheel 中文版

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Download AlwaysMouseWheel

AlwaysMouseWheel allows you to use the mouse wheel to scroll over any windows even if that window is not in the foreground. Always Mouse Wheel Features:

AlwaysMouseWheel - Free download and software reviews

Sometimes little tweaks can make a big difference, and that's definitely the case with AlwaysMouseWheel. This little utility allows you to scroll in windows that aren't active using your mouse wheel. It might not seem like a big deal, but it's


無線藍光技術, 人體工學設計 最合手的工學設計 LEXMA M830R無線藍光滑鼠-藍 採用LEXMA獨家藍光技術-BlueTrace超精準不挑桌面,使用不受環境限制


Improvements and corrections in AlwaysMouseWheel in the mouse wheel function. New in version 3.44 // May 28th 2014. Improvements in AlwaysMouseWheel ...