Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.rar(HOTFILE空間下載)

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Avast Browser Cleanup Tool - 瀏覽器清理器,停用及移除無用的附加元件

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool - 瀏覽器清理器,停用及移除無用的附加元件


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Avast! Browser Cleanup 瀏覽器清理軟體,移除惡意工具列、附加元件綁架

目前常見的瀏覽器,例如IE、Firefox、Google Chrome 等等都已經有相當多的附加元件,能帶給瀏覽器更多功能,更重要的是減少使用者花費的時間,可惜並不是每個 ...

avast! Browser Cleanup

avast! Browser Cleanup, free and safe download. avast! Browser Cleanup latest version: Remove harmful toolbars and search settings. Clean up your browser for free now ...

Browser Cleanup - FAQs

Avast Browser Cleanup identifies poorly rated add-ons for major Internet Browsers (Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox) and allows you to disable or ...

Avast FAQ | Avast 2016: Browser Cleanup

Avast 2016: Browser Cleanup - FAQs Frequently Asked Questions General information Why should I use Avast Browser Cleanup? What are the system requirements for Avast Browser Cleanup? Which browsers are currently supported by Avast Browser Cleanup? ...

Chrome Cleanup Tool

The Chrome Cleanup Tool will scan and remove software that may cause problems ... ads you can't get rid of, or otherwise changing your browsing experience.

清除瀏覽器綁架,搶先下載Avast! 8 的免安裝清理工具

2013年2月25日 - 啟動「 Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 」後,就會自動幫你偵測系統內的所有瀏覽器設定,找出有問題的附加元件、外掛、工具列與設定,並且幫你完成 ...

Avast Browser Cleanup Download - Softpedia

Free Download Avast Browser Cleanup 12.1.2272.125 - Swiftly remove unwanted and dangerous toolbars and add-ons from IE, Firefox and Chrome to speed ...

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool Freeware - disable or remove browser add-ons ... I decided to give this software a try. Spybot kept telling me that I had Malware attached to my Internet Explorer browser and Spybot could never clean it up.

Download Avast! Browser Cleanup

Avast! Browser Cleanup tool serves to delete pesky and unwanted toolbars and plug-ins from your browser(s). Simply download and run the Browser Cleanup utility without the need to install anything. Once you run the utility, you will see a list of toolbars

Avast Browser Cleanup

Download free Avast Browser Cleanup and get rid of annoying extensions, toolbars, or hijacked searches. Restore your browser to its initial, clean state. ... Products for PC Security Compare Premier Complete, top-of-the-line protection. Internet Security

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 相關文章

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool - 瀏覽器清理器,停用及移除無用的附加元件

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool - 瀏覽器清理器,停用及移除無用的附加元件

使用 Chrome、Firefox 都會自己去安裝一些附加元件,其實 IE 一直也都有所謂的附加元件,不過大多透過軟體或是瀏覽網站而安裝,而並沒有一個整體性的附加元件網站,因此 IE 的附加元件也是比較容易出問題的一塊,有些可能會有後門程式,有些可能會有彈出式廣告等等,若不注意這樣的問題,那麼 IE 的工具列也會越來越多,不只影響瀏覽器開啟的速度,搞不好還會有其他的風險。Avast 是很知名的防毒軟體,在瀏覽器清理推出了 Avast Browser Cleanup Tool,透過這工具能檢查附加元件的安全性,一定要檢測看看唷!

這款工具支援檢測的瀏覽器有 IE、Chrome 與 Firefox,免安裝版可能無法正常檢測,檢測後會列出所有安裝的附加元件,在摘要的部分會列出該移除的附加元件;點選瀏覽器的標籤,每個附加元件也會有評級,三顆星代表為一般,兩顆星的評級為糟糕,若是你不太確定是否需要的,可以停用後試試看是否影響正常瀏覽網頁,若是確定不需要的就停用或是移除囉!


Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.rar(ZippyShare下載)
Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.rar(Hotfile下載)
Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.rar(MediaFire下載)
Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.rar(DepositFiles下載)
Avast Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:2.47 MB

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool